Thursday, October 14, 2010

New RF Pieces

Since the noborigama took up a lot of everyone's time there were a lot of pieces to be fired at the beginning of October. I had quite a few pieces that either couldn't be put into the noborigama or didn't dry in time to be put in. All of these pieces were RF fired.

First are two yunomi, both made from white shigaraki stone clay. The cup on the left has R a.k.a. kohagi glaze and the cup on the right has K a.k.a. kinyou. I love the purple from kohagi since it is so unique and bright. I also like the kinyou cup because you can see the lines from the potters wheel when the cup was being made. I somewhat wish I had put handles on these cups ><  最初は二つの白御影湯のみ。左側の湯のみはこうはぎ釉薬、右はきんよう。こうはぎのいろは珍しくて、明るいからすき、一方できんようはちょっと落ち着いてるけどろくろの線が見えるから面白い。取っ手つければよかったけど。。。
Next are two more teacups but with handles. These are made from bizen clay with L a.k.a. shinsha glaze. These two are extremely light and thin, yay! BUT since I made them so thin they warped!...booo... My teacher kept telling me to keep some thickness but I didn't listen so now I have two demented teacups to use at home. To top it off, the cup on the right's handle also drooped down during firing...ooops 次は備前のティーカップです。両方はめちゃ薄いけど焼いたときにゆがんだ!せんせいが薄すぎないようにしてと言いましたけれども私はアドバイス聞かなかった。。。結果は二つゆがんだティーカップは家に使うものになった。。。ウープス

Next, three more pieces made from bizen clay with U a.k.a. kiseto glaze base and a tetsuaka like accent color. (the accent color is very thick and is most like tetsuaka a.k.a. E glaze) These turned out very well! Very happy with the color. The two coffee cups have designs I painted on them while the small bowl has sporadic brush marks. The thickness of all the pieces is also great, not too thin and not too heavy either. Very happy :)

Last but not least are three small bowls made from akashigaraki 104 with C a.k.a. tenmoku glaze and B a.k.a. kirabo accents. Great thickness to them and easy to hold.

I love the sheen from the tenmoku glaze! So happy I found this color combo. I would have put these in the noborigama BUT since akashigaraki clay has a lot of iron in it the risk of the pieces breaking is high.

Since I'm finally back to my normal schedule I plan on making many new pieces this fall. (Also the studio temp is back to tolerable levels hehe, no more sauna) Much more to come soon!

やっと普通どおりの生活戻ってきたから沢山新しいものを作るつもり :) 教室の温度も涼しくなったし また書きます!

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