Thursday, July 22, 2010


After making my color samples I've really realized how useful and convenient they really are. Like I mentioned in my previous blog (color samples) red shigaraki #104 and Tenmoku (C glaze) with RF firing gives a wonderful metallic color. I definitely wanted to use a metallic color since I've always been interested in them and that's exactly what I did this time around. Since Red Shigaraki #104 is one of the only clays that brings out the metallic to a great extent it was the only choice at Sara Yama.
色見本を作って本当にどのくらい便利や役に立つかやっと分かりました。前のブログ(Color samples)に言ったけれども、赤信楽#104は天目をつけるならRFで焼いてシルバーの色が出ます。前から金属色に興味もって今回は塗りたかった。皿山に金属色結構出れる持ってる粘土は赤信楽#104しかない。

Just having Tenmoku was a little boring so I took a chance and experimented by adding Kirabo (B) and the result was great! Here are the five pieces up close. 天目を使うだけのは面白くないと思って黄伊羅保共に使って、結果はめちゃ良かった!はい、今回の五つの作品です!

First is my favorite piece of this batch. A small vase which was originally going to be a cup but alas at the last minute i bumped it a bit and could not get the rim to be perfectly circular again, so I opted for a oval rimmed vase instead. Turning it into a vase was probably better since the rim is quite thin and probably wouldn't have turned out perfectly circular anyways. これは五つの中に一番気に入る作品です。小さい花瓶だけど、そもそも湯のみだったが、最後作ったときにちょっと手がずれてカップの線丸形がだめになった。。。でも線がちょっと薄すぎて花瓶のほうが似合うと思います。

I did a base glaze of Tenmoku and dipped the rim in Kirabo. The running of the glaze turned out perfectly. I had no idea the glaze would run this perfectly. It is very Japanese looking so I'm told by my fellow potters.

Here is a Yunomi or Japanese style tea cup I made (what the top vase was supposed to be) It turned out extremely well color wise but had a few minor mistakes. The rim wasn't perfectly circular, which happens when making thin pieces since when you carve them there's a high possibility of warping because of the pressure. Also I did a reverse glaze color of Kirabo as the base and Tenmoku as the rim. The result is is a great color combo but Kirabo runs a lot so my piece actually got stuck inside the kiln, so I had to grind the excess glaze off the cup's bottom. You can hardly tell that I had to grind the excess off but there is a slight color difference. 湯のみです。色は綺麗に仕上がりましたけど、小さいなミスがあった。カップの線は完全に丸じゃなかった。原因は削るときにプレシャーかかるから歪可能性が高い。更に先の花瓶の色の逆塗った。バースは黄伊羅保で湯のみの口に天目かけた。結果は面白い色なんですけど黄伊羅保は流れやすい色んでちょっと窯にくっつくって、残りの色をグラインダーにけずった。あんまりけずったところは目立てないけど、ちょっとだけ色の違いがある。

This is one of the small (8cm wide) plates I made. Base is Tenmoku with Kirabo dips on either side. Since the glaze couldn't run down the side like the small vase the result is slightly different, but neat non the less. I like how the Kirabo glaze pooled on either side to make a dark black color. これは皿三枚の中に一枚。ベースは天目でカップの線に黄伊羅保かけた。結果は花瓶みたいに流れはちょっと違うけど皿の上(8センチ)にきれいな黒プールは出来たい。

This is another plate, around the same size with the exact same glaze patter. I'm also very pleased with this one as well. The only difference is I dipped this one four times instead of two into the Kirabo glaze. 別の皿。サイズは前と一緒。この皿の色やり方は前と一緒でただディップは二回じゃなくて4回でした。

This is the last small plate of this series. I decided to experiment and do a Kirabo base with Tenmoku dip on the rim. The result isn't as dramatic as the vice versa but the color is still great, lots of texture and deep earthy mixtures of color. このシリーズの最後の小皿です。このさらはちょっと研究しようと思ってベースは黄伊羅保皿の線は天目。結果は前の二枚に比べ劇的じゃないけど、色はいいしテクスチャーもいいし、深くな色です。

Here are all the plates together!~ はい!全部の皿です!

Overall I've found another great color combo I'll definitely use a lot for future pieces! すべて含めて嬉しいコンボ発見!是非またこのいろ混ぜ合わせ使います。

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